Transfer Student 咨询和衔接协议

When transferring to colleges and universities, students can get help from transfer advisors and articulation agreements. Advisors guide students on courses to take for easy credit transfer and the admission process. Articulation agreements specify course equivalencies between institutions, ensuring credits count at the new school. These resources can help smooth the transfer process.


WAICU-WTCS Course Credit Transfer Agreement (CCTA)

Wisconsin Association of Independent 大学 and Universities (WAICU) Course Credit Transfer Agreement (CCTA) with Wisconsin's Technical 大学 (WTCS)

To assist Wisconsin Technical College students in furthering their academic and career goals, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 participates in a course-to-course agreement with *威斯康星州的16所技术学院. The WAICU-WTCS Course Credit Transfer Agreement is designed to ensure a smooth transfer process for WTCS students who wish to pursue a degree at 博天堂官方入口登陆登录. The 协议里有14个课程 will satisfy general education or general degree requirements when applicable. Students are responsible for confirming that these courses transfer to their intended major by working with their academic advisor.


Students Interested in Transferring to 博天堂官方入口登陆登录

博天堂官方入口登陆登录 maintains articulation agreements with several Wisconsin institutions of higher learning. These agreements give students opportunities to begin their studies elsewhere and transfer to Carroll to complete a bachelor's degree.

In some cases, students may take advantage of concurrent enrollment. Interested students are strongly advised to consult with Carroll's 招生办公室 for current program requirements and with Carroll's catalog for admission criteria and transfer credit policies. Transfer equivalencies are subject to change.

Questions concerning the articulation agreements listed below can be directed to the 招生办公室 at 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 at 1.800.卡罗尔 or 262.524.7220.



Articulation Agreements for students interested in beginning at 博天堂官方入口登陆登录

